Course curriculum


From the Principal Engineering Geologist at Great Basin Geoscience

Eric Hubbard, CEG

“I took this short course at the AEG national meeting, and it was real eye-opener. Glenn is an excellent teacher.”

From the AEG-SF Past-Chair

Morley Beckman, PE

“A hearty thank you to Dr. Glenn Borchardt for teaching his Soil Stratigraphy for Trench Logging short course. I have received many positive reports from his students – it sounds like everyone had a great time and learned a lot!”

From a geology student on one of my field trips

Elaine Farrell

"My classmates Anne, Akkana and I thought you were the best part of the entire field trip today. We can tell you love to teach, well, we love to learn."

A Great Short Course on Soils for Age Dating Surficial Deposits in Geology, Archeology, and Environmental and Agricultural Disciplines

Michael J. Dwyer, PG, CEG (California)

"This course is unusually comprehensive with numerous excellent soil horizon photos with their associated and detailed graphic logs. Nomenclature, soil forming processes, age interpretations and tectonic features are carefully described in photos by Dr. Borchardt. The breadth of course content points out it should be of as much interest to the archaeology community as to the those practicing soil tectonics. Applications in landslide characterization/mitigation are numerous. Other useful applications could include those practicing in agriculture and in environmental review/ compliance."

Excellent Overview

Kevin McCoy, Ph.D., Online Student, Geological Engineer, BGC ENGINEERING INC., Golden, CO

This course provided an excellent overview of basic soil science concepts and application to geohazard problems. While the synthesis focuses on surface fault rupture hazards, I think the material would easily be applied to other geohazards and I would recommend it to anyone looking to expand their applied geology toolbox.

Thorough presentation and lots of excellent examples of soils found within fault trenches

Janis Hernandez, Online Student, California Geological Survey

“Glenn's course dives into the various aspects of soil development, characterization and recognition. I highly recommend this course for those involved in surficial geologic mapping and fault evaluations! Thank you for putting this together in an on-line course!” Rated 5 out of 5